McDONALD's • Excuses

tv spot
:: alma ddb [miami] • senior art director ::

Introducing the Premium Chicken Sandwich and the Angus Third Pounder at McDonald's.

:: Director :: Sebastián Borensztein [Chinese Take-Out / Un Cuento Chino | Tiempo Final | La Suerte Está Echada]

Scroll down for the subtitled version.
GUY 1: My Mom called, she wasn't feeling too well... I had to drive to her home...

BOSS: And you?

GUY 2: I went to McDonald's, and enjoyed the best lunch. I had this juicy Premium Chicken Sandwich, seasoned with garlic and onion... Oh, and with that leafy green lettuce and tomato... Tomorrow I'm going for the Angus Third Pounder.

ANNOUNCER: There's no better excuse than a great lunch. The simple joy of a delicious truth.

END CARD: I'm lovin' it.

.: Subtitled Version :.


.: Behind the Scenes :.